13 Symptoms of an Ordinary Life

Nothing scares me more than imagining myself on my death-bed, filled with regret about all of the things I didn't dare do. I define an ordinary life as a life of unfulfilled potential. An ordinary life is a small, timid thing, where, the person never dares to follow their dreams because they are scared to fail.

The sudden panicked comprehension that they are living an ordinary life is what causes many men to have mid-life crises. The 3 steps of a mid-life crisis are:
1)Wake up one day to the realization that your life looks nothing like the life that you had dreamed of when you were a young man.
2)Become overwhelmed by the weight of the responsibility that you've acquired, i.e. job, kids, wife, etc.
3)Rebel against that responsibility by shedding as much of it as possible in order to chase something that you think will make you happy, i.e. new career, new woman, new identity, etc.

Unless you're extremely vigilant and know what to look for, an ordinary life will catch you unaware and infect you.

I want men to become happy with their lives by becoming leaders in their lives and by refusing to live an ordinary life. Very few of us are symptom free and everybody fails from time to time; however, if you have any of these symptoms on a consistent basis, you're in danger of walking the path of the ordinary man.

1. You're frequently disappointed with yourself.
2. You're frequently apologizing to others.
3. You stay within your comfort zone; you won't try new things.
4. You don't make new friends; you haven't added any new friendships for years.
5. Your free time is filled with solitary activities or hobbies.
6. You've surrendered control of your relationship to your wife or girlfriend.
7. You're waiting for something to happen in your life so you can be happy.
8. You blame your problems on other people or things.
9. You tolerate destructive behavior from others.
10. You won't initiate uncomfortable conversations when appropriate.
11. You aren't living in accordance with the values that you say you believe.
12. You don't have any deep/true relationships in your life.
13. You make decisions from a place of fear.

If you see any of these symptoms in your life, you can make a change today. If you haven't already, read my post "The 5 Things I Know To Be True" as well as "Leadership: A New Definition" for some ideas on how to start.

I will also be writing about each of these 13 symptoms and how to combat them in your life.

Take the lead!


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