Leadership: A New Definition


The Forging Leaders definition of leadership:

lead·er·ship - acting like your best self; especially when you don't feel like it.

Imagine yourself in a heated conversation with your wife, or girlfriend. She's doing the same thing she always does and you've reached your boiling point; your usual reaction to this would be to yell, walk out of the room, or punch a wall.

Now, imagine time stopping in the moment before you blow up. During this time-out, you have a chance to reflect on what is really important here, your relationship, your happiness, your life fulfillment, your peace of mind, etc., and to calm down and react to your wife appropriately. So, time starts flowing again; rather than yelling and walking out of the room, you soften your body language, replace the look of anger in your eyes with a look of adoration, and say, "You know what honey, you're right. I love you; I'm ashamed and dissapointed in myself when I get angry with you. You are the most important thing in my life. Please forgive my behavior."

How would she react to this? I mean, after she picks her jaw up off the floor.

I can tell you that while you won't get that momentary feeling of satisfaction from this that yelling, or punching a wall would provide, you will get a dramatic energy shift in your relationship with her.

Many of you reading this are thinking "Thats impossible; I could never react like that." or "But then my wife would think she was right, and she was so wrong." The truth is you CAN react like this; I know from experience. I also know that it is one of the hardest things in the world to do, until it becomes a habit.

At Forging Leaders, we are building leaders who "Act the Opposite". Go ahead and use this the next time you would normally have a negative reaction to something and see what happens. Let me know how it goes.

Take the Lead!


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