The 24 Hour Negativity Fast

This article lays out the 1st step in forging your Armor and expands on this article. If you haven't already read the article "Forging Your Armor", you may want to go back and do that first.

If you're like most men, you just sort of drift along life's current; you aren't really deliberate about how you live. Sure, maybe you pay attention to your diet, your workout schedule, your career, maybe you're even a pretty good husband and father. But how satisfied are you? Are you living a life of authentic fulfillment? Are you pursuing your passions, forging deep relationships, living a truly happy life?

Just like addition is a prerequisite for algebra, an authentic sense of self-confidence is a requirement for a truly happy life. This authentic self-confidence, which I refer to as Armor, is gained through some very specific behaviors. This article is about the most fundemental component of Armor; positivity.

Of the eight skills that build confidence, having a positive attitude is the foundation on which all other skills are built. Just like you can't grow crops in toxic soil, you can't grow leadership and happiness in a toxic soul. Positivity is also our foundation for another reason; it's the only skill of the eight that doesn't require confidence, it just builds it.

Because everything else good in life springs from a positive attitude, it deserves a deliberate effort; that's where the 24 hour negativity fast comes in. From the moment you wake up tomorrow morning until you wake up the following morning, radiate an aura of positivity. That means that you don't complain, whine or say anything negative or even neutral for the entire day. In addition, your body language is only positive; no eye-rolling, shrugging, scowling, sighing or frowning.

Your mind is going to take a little while to catch up to your actions; you are probably still going to have negative thoughts. The challenge is to catch them and kill them before you communicate them. Imagine that you have a big net; every time you have a negative thought, throw the net over it before the thought makes it out into the world in your speech or body language.

The more negative of a person you are, the more you need this and the more difficult it will be. In fact, there is a quote on the Forging Leaders "quotes" page that sums up this fundamental law "The more uncomfortable the experience, the more meaningful and important it is." Embrace this challenge!

Remember, this commitment is only for 24 hours, if you're happier as a negative person, you can always go back to your normal life the day after tomorrow.

I would love to hear how about your 24 hour fast; shoot me an email, or leave a comment on this article and let me know how it went.

Take the lead,


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